Damage source localization in additively manufactures structures

Identyfikator grantu: PT01211

Kierownik projektu: Paresh Mirgal

Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN w Gdańsku


Data otwarcia: 2024-12-18

Planowana data zakończenia grantu: 2026-10-18

Streszczenie projektu

This study focuses on simulating damage in an additively manufactured PLA (Polylactic Acid) plate, designed with varying geometries to represent real-world applications. These variations could include changes in thickness, the addition of notches or holes, and different fiber orientations. PLA’s anisotropic properties, due to its additive manufacturing process, significantly influence its mechanical behavior, affecting properties like tensile strength, impact resistance, and fatigue life.

The damage source in the simulation will be defined as a localized region, such as a crack or void, where failure initiates. The objective is to understand how this damage propagates under external loading and impacts the overall structural integrity of the plate.

To validate the simulation, the same PLA plate configuration will be modeled using ABAQUS CAE, a finite element analysis (FEA) software. ABAQUS is well-suited for simulating complex material behavior, including nonlinear, time-dependent properties such as viscoelasticity and plasticity. It also allows for the modeling of damage initiation and propagation, including crack growth and material degradation.

ABAQUS enables the application of various loading conditions, including tensile, compressive, shear, and cyclic forces, to assess the effect of different stress states and predict damage onset. Additionally, MATLAB will be used to process and analyze the results obtained from the ABAQUS simulation. MATLAB's robust computational and visualization tools allow for post-processing of simulation data, such as stress-strain curves and damage evolution, to extract meaningful insights. It can also be employed to model alternative damage scenarios, optimize design parameters, and run sensitivity analyses on material properties and geometric configurations.

Overall, this study uses both ABAQUS and MATLAB to simulate, validate, and optimize designs for PLA-based components, providing insights into damage mechanisms and helping to improve the durability and reliability of 3D printed PLA parts in real-world applications.

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