Degradation processes of mechanically loaded structures in hydrogen environment

Identyfikator grantu: PT01118

Kierownik projektu: Ryszard Szwaba


  • Wei Yu

Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN w Gdańsku


Data otwarcia: 2024-02-01

Planowana data zakończenia grantu: 2027-02-15

Streszczenie projektu

The scientific problem aimed to be solved by the proposed project is experimental analyses and numerical modelling of phenomena related to the degradation processes of elements under mechanical loading exposed to hydrogen under assumed pressure and development prediction models of their degradation processes. The analysed samples will be single material (carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP), metal, polymer) or complex structures (metal/CFRP or polymer/CFRP). Damage (e.g. cracks, delamination) in such components is inevitable due to a number of factors such as aging, impact, fatigue and chemical corrosion during their service.

The FSI contains advantages computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element methods (FEM). It allows determination of prediction models and development structural health monitoring (SHM) systems solutions. Fibre Bragg grating (FBG) and distributed optical sensors are planned to be used in the proposed SHM system for elements exposed to hydrogen under assumed pressure. The FSI models and the optical based SHM measurements will be combined together to possess a complex image of the degradation process and develop an appropriate damage development prediction model.

The justification for tackling specific scientific problems by the proposed project is to describe/ understand phenomena related to the structural processes of mechanically loaded elements in hydrogen environment to achieve a complex description of the degradation processes to increase a safety of its utilise. Hydrogen, despite its high corrosion influence and a high safety requirements, is a very promising CO2-free alternative to fossil fuels. The analysed degradation processes will be related to mechanical loading (tensile, compression, torsion) of elements (single material or complex) exposed to hydrogen under assumed pressure. Additionally, differences in sensitivity on similar damage occurrence in different location of the components will be analysed using both numerical (FEM +CFD=FSI) and experimental (optical sensors) methods.

The justification for the innovative nature of the research is to possess a knowledge related to degradation processes of mechanically loaded elements in hydrogen environment – first step of SHM system for the hydrogen installation structures. The novelty of the project is to combine to one experience of two research groups: SHM and fluid-solid interaction related to two different approaches. It allows to better understand the processes that occurs in elements exposed to hydrogen and to predict the more possible damage occurrence in relation to the component part as well as its development (time and direction). Understanding the degradation processes will lead to increase structural reliability and safety level of constructions where the hydrogen is used or going to be implemented as a fuel.

Modelling of structures under loading will be used by software NX Siemens and ANSYS. In the frame of the task modelling of single material (polymer, composite or aluminium) and complex structures (polymer and CFRP or aluminium and CFRP will be performed. The coupled numerical (FEM +CFD=FSI) method will be implemented jointly, e.g. the structures deformation due pressure distribution will be implemented into the model in the next step of calculations. Experimental analyses will be conducted by ANSYS and Matlab. The achieved results will be compared with the theoretical ones during this period. All information from previous modelling and experimental tasks will be used for assessment. All results obtained by modelling and experimental methods will be compared by Matlab.

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