Supercomputer Tour < Superkomputer

Zwiedzanie Centrum

Wszystkich zainteresowanych zwiedzaniem Centrum prosimy o wypełnienie i wysłanie poniższego formularza zgłoszeniowego.

We invite organized groups of 5 to 20 people to take part in a guided tour of our Center.

Tours are held, by appointment, on weekdays from 9:00 to 15:00 (the duration of the presentation is about 45 minutes). The offer is addressed to both children and adults.

Anyone interested, please fill out the contact form. We will contact you by e-mail: and/or by phone: +48 58 348 60 85.

Additional information about the group (size and short description) will allow us to better adjust the scope of the information provided.


Our consultants help future and novice users of specialized software installed on High Performance Computers (KDM) at the TASK IT Center.

Contact for High Performance Computers, software / licenses, computing grants, reports:

Administrators reply to e-mails on working days between 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.