Become a User < Supercomputer HPC

HPC user registration form

The user of CI TASK computational resources may be any person conducting research activities associated with a scientific unit within the meaning of the Act of October 8, 2004 on the principles of financing science.

In order to apply for the CI TASK computing grant you must:

  • complete and print the online form containing the "CI TASK Resource User Registration Form" and data regarding the project/computing grant along with a description of the project in accordance with the recommendations below.
  • then send a scan of the printed "CI TASK Resource User Registration Form", completed with signatures and seals, with an attached description of the project to the e-mail address
  • then submit the printed "CI TASK Resource User Registration Form", with an attached description of the project, completed with signatures and seals, to the CI TASK Secretariat.

Processing an application usually takes up to 2 weeks. You will be informed about the award of the computational grant by e-mail to the address provided in the "Registration Form".

If the user already has an account on HPC and wants to apply for a new computing grant, he or she should send the topic and description of the new project (editable version, e.g. doc, pdf) to the following address:

The project description (~page A4) should include::

  • calculation period (number of months),
  • scientific discipline,
  • substantive description of the project,
  • justification of the need to use CI TASK computing resources, i.e. the need to use specific software (applications) and/or computing power,
  • information about whether the software used is parallelized, the main computational methods, libraries and other relevant solutions used in the project.

If the grant is not a one-person grant and has implementers, they should also be reported. Every participant involved in the implementation process must have an active registration as a user of CI TASK resources.

The submitted project should be of a scientific and research nature and meet the requirements for the use of CI TASK computing resources.

Descriptions of projects implemented in CI TASK are used in reports settling the Center's activities and made available on the CI TASK website.

Select only if the project is related to your PhD thesis.

Remote source code repositories with the possibility of creating documentation (wiki, GitLab Pages), management of tickets and flexible access rights.

Select only if you need access to TASKcloud resources.
more informations

Pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) a of the general regulation on the protection of personal data of April 27, 2016 (OJ EU L 119 of May 4, 2016), I consent to the processing by the Gdańsk University of Technology based in Gdańsk, ul. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, my personal data contained in the "CI TASK resource user registration form" for the purpose and scope necessary to provide computing services and access to software licenses

I declare that I undertake to comply with the Regulations of the Tricity Academic Computer Network (paper version available at the CI TASK secretariat) and the Rules for using KDM resources available at:

I declare that I have read the rules of using CI TASK cloud services and accept them