Automated geospatial feature generation via deep learning methods

Identyfikator grantu: PT01195

Kierownik projektu: Samuel Sisay Tadesse

Politechnika Gdańska

Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki


Data otwarcia: 2024-10-16

Planowana data zakończenia grantu: 2027-10-16

Streszczenie projektu

Currently conducting a research for PhD thesis, which focuses on the vectorization of satellite images. This research aims to convert complex satellite imagery into structured vector data, which can be utilized for various applications, including urban planning, agriculture monitoring, and disaster management. To achieve this, we need to train machine learning models on a substantial amount of satellite image data. Access to GPU resources is crucial for efficiently processing these large datasets and significantly speeding up the training process required for the research.

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