Wielomodalna ocena wpływu treningu lub choroby na objętość mózgu, połączeń istoty białej i dużych sieci mózgowych

Identyfikator grantu: PT01033

Kierownik projektu: Agnieszka Sabisz

Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny

Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu z Instytutem Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej


Data otwarcia: 2023-02-13

Streszczenie projektu

ypical aging is associated with deterioration in several domains of brain structure and function. Animal and human studies consistently demonstrate that physical exercise has multiple effects on promoting neurological health. Physical activity may play a role in preserving cognitive and brain health in the elderly and neuroimaging techniques allow us to understand the underlying mechanisms. Physical activity influences a large number of mechanisms, including enhancement of regional neuronal plasticity, brain regions connectivity, and large networks reconfiguration [Stern at al., 2019; Li et al., 2020].
On the other hand, morphometry provides detailed information on the atrophy of the brain. Hence volumetry and connectivity measures can tell us more about aging processes and the impact of diseases on the brain. Specific patterns of changes in volumetry and connectivity measures may be optimal to quantify brain abnormalities and their evolution in patients with inflammatory diseases.
In the proposed research authors would like to quantify the measures based on MRI images and link them to the biological or pathological properties of the tissue.

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