CD NIWA < Projects

Basic Project Information

Project Title: Centre of Excellence for Scientific Application Infrastructure at Gdańsk University of Technology
Project Acronym: CD NIWA
Implementing Institution: National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
Funding Program: Innovative Economy
Project Number: POIG.02.03.00-22-059/13, dated 2013-11-20
Implementation Period: 2013-11-01 - 2015-12-31
Total Project Cost: 50,440,831.32 PLN

Project Objectives

The project aims to stimulate and support research projects, IT projects, and digital initiatives. It provides space for research and comprehensive advisory support related to the application development process. CD NIWA brings together professionals from various fields, offering the necessary IT support for research project implementation. It is a space that unites the business and scientific environments, initiating initiatives that may lead to future cooperation between representatives from these two spheres. The CD NIWA project combines the full potential of the WikiWS, IBM BPML/BPMN, and BeesyCluster platforms with the computing power of the Tryton supercomputer.

  • WikiWS: A platform for developing service-oriented applications. Applications consist of web service scenarios, where each service is stored in a repository. WikiWS provides both development and production environments. Once a service is deployed, it can be reused in the construction of other applications. It has been used, for example, in the development of optimization projects for transportation services.
  • IBM BPEL/BPMN: A platform for building business process models in BPMN 2.0 notation. It allows for precise description of business processes at a technical level while maintaining simplicity and clarity. IBM BPEL/BPMN enables the orchestration of web services in BPEL language, as well as the implementation, optimization, and simulation of business models. It has been used, for instance, in the analysis of marketing strategies for online stores.
  • BeesyCluster: An access platform to cluster/supercomputer/PC networks. Through a virtual account in the system, users gain access to all their physical accounts on individual computers. BeesyCluster provides its services via a web interface and web services, making it an ideal solution for users using mobile devices.

Project Timeline

Implementation Period: November 1, 2013 - December 31, 2015
Maintenance Period: January 1, 2016 - January 15, 2021

Funding Source: 85% European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 15% targeted grant.