Grant/Projek zakończony

Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Elements

Identyfikator grantu: PT00985

Kierownik projektu: Jonathan Dawit Balango

Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN w Gdańsku


Data otwarcia: 2022-07-20

Data zakończenia: 2024-01-16

Streszczenie projektu

The project (PhD dissertation subject) entitled “Structural Health Monitoring of composite elements” is used as PhD dissertation research for doctoral degree fulfilment. This PhD dissertation will include manufacturing of natural fiber with and without FBG sensors, analyze the properties of natural fiber reinforced composite before and after different loading and environments, process signals recorded by embedded sensors, make correlation between material response with signal characteristics, and make overall inference about the composite. Experimental and numerical methods will be used throughout the research. Both MATLAB and Abaqus software are selected to perform numerical analysis. Finally the result from both methods will be compare and correlate to validate the output of the PhD dissertation .

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