Grant/Projek zakończony

Fusion of models and data for enriched evaluation of structural health

Identyfikator grantu: PT00866

Kierownik projektu: Jitendra Sharma

Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN w Gdańsku


Data otwarcia: 2021-02-11

Data zakończenia: 2023-02-15

Streszczenie projektu

The assessment of existing infrastructure is typically carried out via use of a so-called forward approach, which necessitates the use of engineering models for estimating indicators of performance, such as capacity or vulnerability. These estimates are often rendered on the basis of assumptions regarding the definition of structural properties, such as geometry, boundary conditions, materials and loads. Such a procedure, which forms parts of norms and standards, describes a simulation-driven approach to structural assessment, i.e., an approach where little to no evidence on the structural system is introduced into the assessment loop, aside from the standardized, but rather crude, information offered via visual inspection of these systems.
The common adoption of assumptions on the basis of structural drawings or of nominal values for characteristic parameters (such as stiffness and strength) into the simulation process comes with severe uncertainties, which naturally propagate into the performance computation. In remedying this deficiency, which stems from lack of information, evidence may be extracted from the actual structural system in the form of Destructive or Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), or via a continuous Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) approach. The NDE approach is more often tied to sporadic and targeted inspection means, and use of specialized technologies such as ultrasound, thermography or acoustic emission. On the other hand, the SHM approach typically relies on use of cheaper and non-invasive instruments that are permanently deployed on structural systems, such as accelerometers, environmental sensors or strain gauges, and which target the continuous monitoring of the system.
This is typically tied to the monitoring of dynamic quantities, as ensured via Vibration-based Monitoring. When combined with appropriate analysis tools, SHM can render an automated and online (real-time) structural assessment and detection of damage.
Four are the basic levels of SHM, namely detection (Level I), localization (Level II), quantification (Level III) and residual life assessment (Level IV), as described in Rytter (1993) [C1]. Standard SHM schemes have been shown to operate robustly on the level of detection, with several successful implementations, where damage to a system is picked up by the change induced in its dynamic properties. However, the more advanced levels in the SHM hierarchy, such as localization and quantification of damage are often hard to achieve on the basis of conventional SHM tools. On the other hand, NDE methods prove more successful in the higher levels of assessment, with Guided Wave (GW) methods forming one of the most effective methodologies for detection of flaws in large areas, and with a relatively limited number of piezoelectric sensors
This SNSF-NCN joint proposal application (SNSF Lead Agency proposal with Poland), aims to fuse the best of both worlds, namely NDE and SHM approaches, enhancing use of typical Vibration-based SHM tools into the higher levels of SHM, and further exploring exploitation of NDE tools, namely Guided Wave (GW), and Electro-Mechanical Impeda


  1. Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Rohan Soman, Pawel Kudela, Spectral Element Method for Structural Health Monitoring, Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk 9788388237973, (2021) 19

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