Metacmed project
Identyfikator grantu: PT01202
Kierownik projektu: Katarzyna Majewska
- Riccardo Carlo Moroni
Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN w Gdańsku
Data otwarcia: 2024-11-18
Planowana data zakończenia grantu: 2027-11-18
Streszczenie projektu
MetacMed aims to link basic research on acoustic and mechanical metamaterials (MMs) to health and well-being issues. The team includes beneficiaries and associated partners who, if working separately, would not be able to make the planned advances in research and innovation. DCs will each consider ways in which human health can be improved using MMs, e.g. improvement in the resolution of biomedical ultrasound imaging for e.g cancer diagnostics, the design of better spinal implants, monitoring of bone healing, and the use of insoles to aid human walking. Another area of interest is to develop MMs that can be used for energy harvesting, to better power e.g. medical devices, and reduce reliance on conventional power sources. Design a novel auxetic MMs with embedded FBG sensors via FEM simulations, explore a range of the MMs limitations with reference to the best possible representation of the behavior of tendons or ligaments in joints. Selection of the most promising MM for manufacturing (with embedded FBG sensors). Perform static and dynamic tests for a manufactured specimen to validate the proposed design.